How to Select Your Carrier Route(s)
Before you order your EDDM NEWSLETTERS, you must select the Carrier Route(s) you want to target. You’ll need to write down
(1) the Carrier Route number(s) (Ex: 22031-C003; Zip Code-Carrier Route Number), and (2) the quantity of newsletters you need ("total delivery addresses").
Tip: You must mail to complete carrier routes. The post office makes selecting your Carrier Routes easy.
Start Here >>> Simply go to https://eddm.usps.com.
3-Minute Video On How To Select Routes
- Enter a center point address, such as a listing or your home. Tip: Entering a Zip Code works too. But you don’t have the handy radius map circle.
- Enter menu selections. We recommend the following selections to keep it simple. You can experiment later.
- Radius: Set to .5 mile (you can expand later)
- Route: City and Rural/Hwy (uncheck PO Box unless you want to include these)
- Residential: Residential Only (not Business & Residential)
- Hide (for now) additional demographic filters for Age, Household, Size, Income
- Mouseover map inside radius. Carrier Routes appear.
- Click to select Carrier Route(s).
- To see all your selected Carrier Routes, under Route, click Show Table. (To clear or add a selected route, click row in table.)
- From Table, write down your selected Carrier Route numbers.
- From Order Summary, write down your newsletter quantity (Total Delivery Addresses). The summary also gives you an approximate cost for your EDDM NEWSLETTERS postage. Tip: In Order Summary click "Post Office Drop-Offs" for your drop-off location.
That's all you need right now. To continue on EDDM.USPS.com, you must sign up for an account (free). An account is handy to save your work for later. You can come back to sign up when your EDDM NEWSLETTERS
arrive to print post office paperwork.
How to Order Your EDDM Newsletters
Once you know how many EDDM NEWSLETTERS you need and you’ve determined your schedule (monthly, bimonthly, quarterly), you are ready to order.
Click on the RAINMAKER NEWSLETTERS Order Form and enter your order at https://www.goodergroup.com/GooderGroupOrders/GG/GGNewsletterOrderForm333.shtml.
Give us a call or send an email if you have any questions at 703-698-7750 or Newsletters@GooderGroup.com!
How To Prep EDDM Paperwork
Your EDDM NEWSLETTERS arrive counted in 100s (slip sheet). Your mailing will have the needed full bundles of 100, plus one remainder bundle
(Ex: 437 total delivery addresses = 4 bundles of 100 and 1 bundle of 37). Post office requires each bundle must have (1) an "EDDM facing slip" with selected route number, and
(2) the newsletters must be bundled (rubber band). Also, your entire mailing needs a "mailing statement" (USPS Form 3587) that summarizes the routes, quantity and postage amount.
Once you have printed your forms at https://eddm.usps.com, you are ready to bring your EDDM order to your local post office that
serves your routes. The website gives you drop-off address of the post office that serves the route(s) you selected. Tip: Keep a master copy of paperwork to use for your next
mailing with (change date), or simply print paperwork again from post office website.
Here are some handy resources from the post office for EDDM mailings:
EDDM Video: View 8-minute video tutorial to learn how to get started using the Every
Door Direct Mail online tool:
EDDM User Guide (pdf):
USPS Every Door Direct Mail Website:
To learn what Every Door Direct Mail can do for you, visit usps.com/everydoordirectmail.