General Questions
1. Who do I contact for customer service or questions about my subscription?
Gooder Group Customer Service:; M-F, 10am - 6pm; Tel: (703) 698-7750, x 107; Fax: (703) 698-8597; Gooder Group, Attn: Newsletters, 2724 Dorr Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22031.
Online Order Forms:
Home Report
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2. What is deadline to submit a new order or change to my existing order, such as new mailing list,
masthead change or quantity change?
Gooder Group must receive all orders, changes or cancellations by the first of the month for next issue (Example: Order deadline is March 1 to be delivered by April 15 or mailed by April 28 for Issue #5). From order deadline to shipped delivery or mailed by date there is a 6+ week production cycle.
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3. What is the schedule of Order Deadlines for every issue?
Order By | Issue | Shipped Delivery | Mailed By |
Nov. 1 | 1 | Dec. 15 | Dec. 28 |
Dec. 1 | 2 | Jan. 15 | Jan. 28 |
Jan. 1 | 3 | Feb. 15 | Feb. 28 |
Feb.1 | 4 | Mar. 15 | Mar. 28 |
Mar. 1 | 5 | Apr. 15 | Apr. 28 |
Apr. 1 | 6 | May 15 | May 28 |
Order By | Issue | Shipped Delivery | Mailed By |
May 1 | 7 | Jun. 15 | June 28 |
Jun. 1 | 8 | Jul. 15 | Jul. 28 |
Jul. 1 | 9 | Aug. 15 | Aug. 28 |
Aug. 1 | 10 | Sep. 15 | Sep. 28 |
Sep. 1 | 11 | Oct. 15 | Oct. 28 |
Oct. 1 | 12 | Nov. 15 | Nov. 28 |
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4. Do I have to sign a contract?
No. All orders are on a pay-per-issue basis according to your chosen schedule. You may cancel at any time prior to the next order deadline.
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5. Do I need to renew my subscription?
No. Your subscription continues month after month, year after year unless you send a written notice of cancellation (e-mail or fax). Once you order, there is no need to "renew" your subscription ever again.
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6. Can I pay by check?
All orders must be paid by credit card and are charged on a pay-per-issue basis at the order deadline. You may use these four major credit cards: MasterCard, VISA, American Express, Discover. Tip: Of course, what date you chose to pay your credit card account by check is up to you.
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7. How much do newsletters cost?
See Prices & Order for current pricing. Price per copy are different for Home Report and Loanletter. Price per copy does not include delivery or one-time Masthead set-up. You can chose to have your newsletters "mailed for you" or "shipped to you" (select one), which is an additional cost. Shipped to you newsletters must be ordered in increments of hundreds, the minimum order is 200.
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8. What is the difference in content between Home Report and Loanletter?
Home Report is a monthly full-color, 4-page newsletter that focuses on "buying and selling" topics, as well as taxes, financing, investing, relocating, and real estate news. Home Report is ideal for real estate professionals to mail to prospective sellers, buyers, farm areas and active prospects. Loanletter is a monthly full-color, 4-page newsletter filled with helpful tips and insightful articles covering mortgage financing, refinancing, taxes, home buying and more!. Loanletter is perfect for loan officers and direct lead generation.
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9. Are the newsletters dated?
No. Issues do not have date printed on the newsletter, so they never go "out of date" for your readers. Each issue is numbered (see copyright line on Page 4) to help you identify different issues for that year. Internally issues are referred to as "Issue #1," "Issue #2," "Issue #3," etc., not "January," "February," "March" issues.
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10. Can I cancel my subscription any time?
Yes. All cancellations must be received in writing (e-mail or fax) prior to the order deadline line (1st of month) for your next scheduled issue. Gooder Group goes to press the first of the month for newsletter editorial shells. Cancellations received after the order deadline will be processed for the following issue.
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11. If I put my newsletter on hold, will there be a startup fee upon returning?
No. If you startup again within two years of hold issue. Also, if a change is needed to your masthead, a change fee will apply.
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12. Can I alternate Home Report and Loanletter?
Yes. Submit two orders; one for Home Report, another order for Loanletter. In Frequency section indicate which newsletter you want on Even issues and Odd issues (i.e., Home Report = Bimonthly even; Loanletter = Bimonthly odd).
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13. Can I place different orders for different newsletters or different mailing lists or different mastheads?
Yes. The easiest way is to complete a different Order Form for each different order. Indicate which newsletter or mailing list or Masthead you want on each order. In the Comments & Notes section include a brief explanation of your different orders. Gooder Group will call you with any questions.
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14. Can I submit a hard copy photo for a new masthead?
Yes. You can mail a printed photo to Gooder Group, Attn: Newsletters, 2724 Dorr Avenue, Fairfax, VA 22031. We recommend, however, you e-mail ( a high-resolution color image in JPG, TIF, EPS, BMP or PDF file format, rather than a hard copy for best reproduction. Low resolution photos from the web (72 dpi) are not print quality, and cannot be processed. Be sure to indicate the name and office of all people in photo. If you have two photos on one Masthead, indicate whose photo is on left and right.
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15. Can we split an order 50/50 on two credit cards?
Because all orders are automated and credit cards are charged electronically orders cannot be split between credit cards. There can be only one credit card per order. Teams and partners can reimburse each other directly by check. Tip: You can change the credit card on file for your newsletter subscription prior to any order deadline (i.e., one partner pays for the six months, then switch cards and second partner pays for next six months). It is incumbent upon the subscriber to make credit card change prior to issue order deadline.
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16. Will I see a proof of my masthead before it goes to print?
Yes. A PDF proof of your masthead will be e-mailed to you for approval. One round of revisions is included in the one-time set-up price. A second PDF proof will be sent for signoff. Changes after the 2nd proof incur a $50 fee.
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17. How do I submit a change to my masthead?
The best practice is to photocopy your existing masthead, mark any changes and fax or scan and e-mail to Gooder Group prior to issue order deadline. Because the same change charge applies if one item is changed or several, you are encouraged to make all changes at same time, such as a new cell phone or e-mail or web address or photo. See prices for masthead change fee. Tip: If extensive amount of graphic artist work is requested, hourly rates apply and cost will be estimated in advance.
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Delivery Questions
1. What are my options for delivery?
You may select your newsletters to be "Mailed For You" or "Shipped To You" or "EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail)." Shipped-To-You newsletters are folded twice (8.5x5.5) and tabbed ready to address and mail yourself. EDDM Newsletters are folded once (8.5x11), slip sheeted in 100s ready for you to drop at your local post office (no mailing addresses needed) at dramatically lower postage rate. Besides the price per copy for the newsletter, there is an additional price for each of the three delivery options.
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2. Can I order extra newsletters shipped to my office in addition to my mailed newsletters?
Yes. Place an additional (second) order for "shipped to you" newsletters. Minimum "extras" order is 200 copies. All newsletter order quantities are printed exactly as ordered by the digital press (think of a copier or printer that prints exactly the number of copies selected). Example: order 200 shipped newsletters, 200 newsletters will be shipped; order 346 newsletters mailed to your list, 346 newsletters will be mailed. You only pay for the exact number of copies ordered. "Overage" extras no longer printed. Tip: For additional newsletters to handout, increase your regular quantity for one issue or place a single order for one "shipped to you" issue, like the popular "Taxes" newsletter (Issue #1), and use those extras for months (200 minimum) until your supply runs out, then reorder more handout extras as needed.
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3. How do I submit my mailing list?
One combined, complete list must be e-mailed in EXCEL format to Minimum is 200 valid addresses per list. For helpful information on setting up your EXCEL file go to If you need help cleaning or combining mailing lists Gooder Group's "Database Doctor" service is available ($50 per hour, 1-hour minimum). Tip: E-mail your list(s) to Gooder Group to forward to Database Doctor services. Typically, up to 10 lists can be combined, standardized, duplicates removed and returned to you for the minimum 1-hour. If your list(s) need more work than 1-hour, job will be estimated for your approval before processing. Remember, once a list is prepared properly the first time, no further list maintenance is needed, unless you want to make changes.
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4. How do I make changes, additions or deletions to my list?
You are in control of your own mailing list. It is your property. Simply submit a complete, new updated list e-mailed to Gooder Group prior to any order deadline. There is a $10 upload-and-certification charge to replace an "old" list with updated new list.
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5. Can I alternate mailing lists for my newsletters?
Yes. In the Comments & Notes section of the Order Form indicate which newsletter is to be sent to which list on Even issues and Odd issues (i.e., Home Report, bimonthly even = Mailing List #1; Home Report, bimonthly odd = Mailing List #2). Tip: When you e-mail your Excel lists to Gooder Group indicate the list name and quantity for each list as a guide to Gooder Group. Gooder Group will call with any questions.
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6. When will my newsletters be delivered to my office?
Newsletters that are shipped to you will arrive by the 15th of the month after the order deadline. For example, issue #5 ("May") will arrive by April 15. Order deadline for the #5 issue is March 1 (see Schedule above).
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7. When will my newsletters be mailed?
Newsletters that are mailed for you will be dropped at the post office by the 28th of the month after the order deadline. For example, issue #5 ("May") will be mailed by April 28. Order deadline for the #5 issue is March 1 (see Schedule).
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8. Should I include my own address in my mailing list(s)?
Yes. The best practice is to include both your home address and your office address in your mailing lists. These copies will give you the newsletter to read, plus when you receive your copy you will know your contacts on your mailing list received their newsletter about the same time.
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9. What happens if my mailing list is under the 200 minimum?
Minimum order for "Mailed For You" service is 200 valid addresses. An order for a mailing list below the minimum will not be processed. The mailing list will be returned for you to add valid addresses and resubmit complete mailing list with the minimum 200 valid addresses. Post office requires a minimum of 200 addresses for standard mail. Individual orders below the 200 minimum, even if the combined total is more than 200, cannot be processed (i.e., 116 mailed newsletters + 100 shipped newsletters).
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10. Do I need to wafer tab my newsletters before I mail them myself?
Yes. Effective January 5, 2013, the USPS requires that all quarter-folded self-mailers be tabbed to accommodate the post office automated processing machines. In addition, the newsletters are folded to comply with the post office requirement that the folded edge (“leading edge”) be on the right side of the address and the open edge (“trailing edge”) be on the left side. All newsletters are folded and tabbed for you to comply with these requirements to save you the most money, postage and time.
EDDM Newsletters do not require tabbing or addressing to earn dramatically lower EDDM postage rate.
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